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Examination Results & Outcomes

At Southlands we use assessment for two purposes
  1. To inform our teaching
  2. To inform our young people, parents/carers and Governors of the progress being made whilst students attend Southlands School.

We ask our staff and the Heads of Departments to submit the information relating to this 3 times per year, using the grid below, so we can identify which students require more support or which students require more challenge!

Additionally, this supports us in developing curriculums that are fit for purpose and supporting all our young people to prepare for life beyond Southlands School.

Information is reported up to 3 times to parents/carers during an academic year - parents/carers evening, EHCP annual reviews and in our annual reports to parents (this happens in the Summer term).

What are end points?

End points closely link to the curriculum offer, and they are what we want our young people to be working towards to further support them into their next stage.

Our Progress 8 and Attainment 8 Scores from the .GOV.UK website can be accessed by clicking here.